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Departure from Europeanism and Return to Japaneseization Theory --- Departure from Europeanism --- Social Security

Social Security

In terms of social policy, social security refers to guaranteeing anxiety and danger in life such as illness, disability, old age, unemployment, childbirth, and death through the social insurance system. Social security started and developed to protect people's lives from poverty and disability caused by war and unemployment. Social security is often compared to a safety net that protects people who fall from heights.

Social Security

Social security is a system that is necessary to help people who have fallen into difficulties due to various distortions in society. It is also said that social security is important in order to encourage people who are about to drop out of society to reintegrate into society. It makes sense that society should help those who fall into poverty for reasons beyond their own control.
However, as social security is developed, its costs will increase, putting pressure on national finances. Expanding coverage means more people covered by social security and more benefits, which means more social security payments for ordinary workers, higher taxes, and more national debt.
As social security expands, fraudulent receipts also increase. If it is better to receive money from social security than to work, more people will try to receive social security money without working, even though they can actually work. As news of fraudulent receipt of benefits continues, dissatisfaction with the social security system itself increases.
Social security itself may not be sustainable. A system that cannot be maintained due to the declining birthrate and aging population will increase the anxiety about the future of the people.
Social security was originally started to compensate for social distortions. However, the social security has become a big burden, and it is about to bring about a big distortion in society itself.

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