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Departure from Europeanism and Return to Japaneseization Theory --- Departure from Europeanism --- Globalism


Globalism is a political thought that tries to treat the whole world as a single community by removing various national and regional barriers in order to expand economic activities on a global scale. It is not limited to simply revitalizing international commerce, but also includes the idea of unifying the social system, currency, language, etc., and unifying the world. In recent years, it is said that globalism has been rapidly promoted due to the development of a liberal economy.


Globalism is sometimes seen as "imperialism by capital." In other words, in order to dominate the world market, large international corporations with strong capital strength are promoting globalism in order to remove various barriers to entry in the world market. Instead of territorial expansion through war or colonization of foreign territories, they want to rule the world through economic means.
It is expected that the promotion of globalism will stimulate international exchange and economic activities. On the other hand, the promotion of globalism is said to widen the gap between rich and poor, deprive people of the diversity and uniqueness of ethnic cultures, and lead to market fixation and soaring resource prices.
Globalism is exerting influence not only on the economy, but also on political thought, social justice, and culture. Some people believe that promoting democratic globalism will solve the various problems of humanity on earth.
On the other hand, it is said that globalism is an act of ignoring the history and traditional culture of each country and region. Some fear that if we accept globalism, we will lose our cultural identity.
Globalism will be attractive to capitalists looking to dominate the world market. However, it seems that this is not necessarily the case that this is a movement that will make people in the world happier.

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