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Departure from Europeanism and Return to Japaneseization Theory --- Return to Japaneseization --- Humans Worthy of the Kingdom of God

Humans Worthy of the Kingdom of God

Only those who are worthy of the kingdom of God can go to the kingdom of God. If you want to enter the kingdom of God, become a person worthy of the kingdom of God. If you want to enter the kingdom of God, it is better not to do evil or injustice. Life may be a place of spiritual training to become a person worthy of the kingdom of God. Train hard and become a person worthy of the kingdom of God while you are still alive.

Humans Worthy of the Kingdom of God

So what kind of people are worthy of the kingdom of God? What kind of training must he do while he is alive to become a person worthy of the kingdom of God? If possible, I would like to be taught how to do it properly and take measures after knowing the tendency.
A person who is worthy of the kingdom of God is a person who is divine while he is still alive. A person who speaks good words, does good deeds, has good thoughts, and spreads to people those good things that are worthy of the kingdom of God. This is the kind of person who can elevate himself and the people around him and make them happy.
They are family friendly and get along well with those close to them. People who are thankful, humble, and genuinely helpful. They are people who always keep their minds and bodies clean. They are open-minded and compassionate people. They are people who work hard on their own, pursue the truth, and continue to develop.
Training to become a person worthy of the kingdom of God is to make yourself and those around you happy. Don't ask for what you don't have, don't complain about what you have, just accept yourself as you are and be happy.
To that end, we actively practice, develop, and spread good words, good deeds, and good thoughts. If you are always filled with good words, good deeds, and good thoughts, the kingdom of God may be right in front of you.

* Return to Japaneseization

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