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Departure from Europeanism and Return to Japaneseization Theory --- Return to Japaneseization --- Bring This World Closer to Paradise

Bring This World Closer to Paradise

Let's build a nation based on the spirit of harmony. Nation building based on the spirit of harmony means bringing the world closer to paradise. Bringing this world closer to paradise means creating a world where people love, support, and help each other. Jealousy, hatred, and resentment are not suitable for a "harmonious mind." Let's cultivate a "spirit of harmony" ourselves and instill it in new generations so that we can increase the number of people who are worthy of the kingdom of God.

Bring This World Closer to Paradise

It's not just the people you love, the people you're close with. Speak with compassion, even to those who are hostile to you. Always be sincere and say words that will benefit the other person.
Society is built on mutual support. It's a pleasure to support and be supported. Be grateful when others help you. When you support others, be happy that you have contributed to society. Knowing the joy of supporting and the joy of being supported leads to knowing the heart of harmony.
Helping each other is not just giving or receiving money. It's often said that learning how to make money is better for you than just getting paid. If you just receive money, you will just spend it, and after you spend it, you will suffer again. Teaching or being taught wisdom for a better life is mutual help.
What should we tell the new generation? What kind of people should we increase in order to make the future better? If we can nurture people who love people, feel joy in helping each other, and actively help each other, the future of this society will be bright.

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