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Departure from Europeanism and Return to Japaneseization Theory --- Return to Japaneseization --- Refine One's Sensibility

Refine One's Sensibility

Sensitivity refers to the feeling of receiving some kind of stimulus and the change in mind caused by it. Sensitivity is the intuitive, emotional, instinctive, rational, analytical, or literary response to sensations and perceptions. Whether a person has sensibility or not is often evaluated by the person's ability to express themselves. To refine sensitivity means to become more sensitive to stimuli and sensations, and to refine the ability to express those sensations.

Refine One's Sensibility

By sharpening your sensibility, depth is born in your life. The slightest sound, scent, raindrop, or wind on your cheek can make a big difference. The chirping of insects and birds, the movement of clouds, and the trees fluttering in the wind make us feel alive and sad.
By sharpening your senses, your imagination will be enriched. How did this happen and what will happen next? By imagining various things from what you felt, the imaginary world will expand greatly.
By refining your sensibility, you will be able to see what you have not seen before and notice what you have not noticed before. If you become sensitive to even the slightest change in language, you will be able to notice changes in the other person's feelings.
If you want to live a rich and wonderful life, you must hone your sensibilities.

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