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Departure from Europeanism and Return to Japaneseization Theory --- Repent


Here we are thinking about conversion. Conversion is to change a bad mind. The world moves with people's hearts. If people have a bad heart, the world will move in a bad direction. In order for the world to move in a positive direction so that people can be happy, it is important for people to have good hearts. Let's take a look at conversions to make the world a better place.


It is people's hearts that move the world. Thoughts in people's minds become words and then actions. And the words and actions created by people will move the world.
When good things come to our minds, good words and good deeds are born. Conversely, when we think of bad things, we produce bad words and bad actions.
If bad words and bad actions increase, the world will move in a bad direction. If society is filled with malice and violence, people will become unhappy.
In order to keep the world from going in a bad direction, it is important to reduce and eliminate people's bad words and bad actions. And in order to eliminate bad words and bad actions, it is necessary to change the bad mind that is the cause.
On the contrary, if good words and good actions increase, the world will move in a good direction.
In order to make the world a better place, the most important thing is “Repent”.
Let us also become aware of our own “bad mind” and reform ourselves. At the same time, let's leave hints for repent so that many people can repent.

What Do You Live for

People are born, live and die. Life is short and death is certain. What should we do in this life? What do we live for? Do we have a role? If you're going to go to great lengths to live, you want to do things that are bright, fun, and immersive. And at the end of my life, I want to leave feeling satisfied that I have lived a good life.

the Laws of Nature

We are part of nature. Born in nature, grows in nature, and dies in nature. In nature, the laws of nature are absolute. The more we go against the laws of nature, the more we suffer. If you want to live a bright and happy life with less suffering, it is important to follow the laws of nature.


Gratitude is to feel grateful for something and to express that feeling with words or actions. It is important to express our feelings of gratitude through words and actions. If you don't express your gratitude to someone who has done something good for you, that person will feel a little sorry, and maybe even annoyed. Human relationships are greatly different depending on whether or not you treat others with a grateful heart.

Mutual Help

To help each other is to give strength to, assist, and support each other. Humans are said to be social animals. We do not live in complete isolation, but as members of society. Therefore, you must have some sort of relationship with different people in society. There may be relationships that support each other, and relationships that pull each other down. Some people may just be helping others, or being helped by others.

Become a Human of Paradise

Heaven is a paradise in above the clouds. It is said that there are gods and angels there, and good people go after death. "I don't know what will happen when I die," you may say. But if possible, don't you want to go to heaven instead of hell when you die? Would you like to start activities to become a heavenly citizen now so that you can become a heavenly citizen after you die?

Realize Yourself

What am I? Where is the difference between the self and the non-self? What is my true self? Where do I come from and where am I going? what do I want to do Is that “what I want to do” really what I want to do? Or was it inspired by someone and made to feel like "you want to do it"? Am I one? Am I always the same? Or is it that I am not alone and that I am constantly changing?


Since ancient times, it has been said that words have mysterious functions. The mysterious power that resides in language is called kotodama, and depending on how it is used, individuals, societies, and even nations are said to be greatly affected. It is important for us to know the power of Kotodama well, learn its utility well, and use it well. Words have the power to change the future.

No True History

History is a record of how society has changed and developed. History is recorded by people, and the way of thinking and the position of those who recorded it is easy to enter. In some cases, important information may be lost or incorrect information may be entered, and history may be recorded as being different from the facts of the past. In the first place, it may be better to think that there is no correct history in the world.

Listen to People

Listen to people. It is no exaggeration to say that whether you grow or not depends on how well you listen to others. Listening to people has three big benefits. And it protects you from the three dangers of not listening. The longer you live, the more important it becomes to listen to others.

Accept "Everything"

A lot of things happen in life. If there are fun things and events to get, there will also be things you don't like and things to lose. There may be some things that just don't make sense. However, it is important to accept “everything” that happens in life. Everything that happens in life is "good", and it's what feeds your own mind to grow.

Everyone have Developmental Disabilities

Developmental disorders refer to disorders of brain function such as autism, Asperger's syndrome, learning disabilities, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder that appear during human development. Whether or not a child has a developmental disorder is determined by whether or not there are problems with learning attitudes and communication from the perspective of teachers and doctors. Developmental disorders become a problem when the person and those around him or her suffer from a major obstacle in leading a social life.

Professional at Everything

A professional is someone who makes money professionally through work, sports, or whatever is generally considered just for fun. Becoming a professional often requires special education, training, experience, skills, or special talents that set you apart from the rest of the population. However, surprisingly, there are some professionals in the world who make good money without much experience or skill. Conversely, there are highly skilled professionals who do not make good money.

Cosmic Law

This world is governed by the laws of the universe. The rising and setting of the sun, the waning and waning of the moon, the changing of the seasons, the activities of animals and humans, the epidemics of disasters and diseases, all depend on the laws of the universe. We are part of the universe, we are in the universe. We are "kept alive" by the laws of the universe.


Money is a medium of exchange for goods in society. It can be obtained by working and is used when obtaining goods or receiving services. Usually, the value is determined by a coin minted from the metal or a number printed on paper printed by the central bank. In recent years, invisible money such as virtual currency is circulating as something valuable.


Happiness is luck or fortune. It's luck and fortunethat good things happen and you think it's fun. Also, it's luck and fortunethat you think it's hard when something bad happens. We live our lives by luck and fortuneall the time. In the first place, we were born into this world through luck and fortune, so everything we experience in life is happiness.


Envy is envy, resentment, and hatred. Feelings of envy are rooted in feelings of unfairness, regret, and dissatisfaction with one's circumstances. Feelings of envy darken the heart and chill relationships. In some cases, it can drive people crazy and cause outrageous problems and incidents. In order to spend your days brightly and happily without trouble, it is better not to cause feelings of envy.

Dirty Room

Is your room dirty? Living in a dirty room is unhealthy and bad for your mental health. If possible, clean it every day. So go about your day keeping your room tidy and clean. Living in a clean and organized room will make you feel refreshed.

Be Kind a Little Bit

Be a little kinder to others and yourself. When you're in trouble, when you're worried, when you're in pain, let's help a little. If you're going through a really tough time, let's give a hand. But too much kindness can be overly spoiled. Being too spoiled makes people useless. A little bit of kindness is just right.

God's Point of View

Once in a while, let's look at things from "God's perspective". Think about how God sees the world and us. Let's review our own remarks and actions once from "God's point of view". Imagine. What would God think if he saw a person like him? So how can we become more in line with God's will?

to be Loved Forever

Be loved forever. Be the kind of person you want to be with forever. Since we live in society, we want to be loved and needed. In order to be loved all the time, not just temporarily, it is important to thoroughly refine your actions, words, and heart.

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